Manage Employees Movement & Access Levels
Cloud-Based Access Control
A complete Access Control Solution
​Secure your premises, your employees and your assets.
Access Control
Works with any Access Control Hardware

Chronicle Access, is a completely cloud-enabled Access Control solution designed for small to medium-sized businesses.
Utilising the latest access control door controllers, readers, magnetic locks, break glasses, and push-button exits. Chronicle Access can control and manage who enters and leaves internal and external doors, car park barriers, full and half height turnstiles.
Empower, security and facility managers to see in real time who is where and their movements for the day week month or year.

Restrict Employees Movement
Time and Zoned Access Control
Reporting in Real-time
Single Door or Multi door solutions
Sites Surveys
Project Management
Trained Electricians
Single Door or Multi door solutions
Custom Access schedules
Connect to Fire Panels
Enable Anti Pass back
Door Forced Alerts​

Fire Reporting
Automatic Door release ​
Door Monitoring
Real Time Fire Reports on any device

Filter by Muster point
Live roll call
Real time data